Oct 28, 2009

Joe Lieberman

This guy says American's are against the public option and that they don't want an inefficient tax payer funded health reform with one breath. And then says American's are happy with Medicare...really.

I know this tape is a couple weeks dated, but how do pols get away with stuff like this?

Oct 23, 2009


Christina Davidson over at The Atlantic has a couple good pieces up on homelessness. You should check them out here and here.

While I was sympathetic to homelessness she hits on a point that increase the sympathy tenfold. Most of us believe homelessness was the fault of the homeless. That is "they" could have done something. Much like we look at a fat person as a glutton. But the fact is that in categorizing homelessness as a victimless epidemic we are deluding (read trying to convince) ourselves that it could never happen to us...when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Oct 18, 2009

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

I said it back in January that worrying about the deficit was trivial and that unless govt or business (the consumer is sitting this one out guys) spent money the whole will only get deeper because of how vicious cycles work.

Froomkin over at HuffPo hits on something major. I'm with him. The D's are way to timid and scared for me. They let the Rs pressure them into worrying about deficits when they have no such scruples at all.

Again Mr. President, Ms. Speaker the longer we linger in the double digit unemployment range the worst...I said the worst...it will get. Vicious cycles do NOT fix themselves. It's amazing that the Ds have the ultimate chance to be heroes and are too scared to step up to the plate.

Check Froomkin here

He!! of a Life

T.I. did it again, my bro is still riding with Weezy F, but this joint is off the chain.

Oct 16, 2009

The Real Economy

Taibbi hits on something, the real economy and markets couldn't be more disparate. Story here.

Oct 10, 2009

I guess republicans?

This "I hate everything Obama" meme is getting tired. How can winning the Nobel Peace prize at anytime ever be a bad thing? Seriously? Why not just congratulate the man and move on?

Oct 6, 2009

"Typical Vikings fakery."

This was the rejoinder from a buddy of mine when Favre smacked the football world in the face with his greatness once again. Fakery. Meh. I guess. Sounds a little like player hation to me but I digress.

Brett we love you a lot. You mean so much to us. We're a community of people who were born in Minnesota and call Minnesota home. We don't pick teams based on our vicinity or team colors or locations. We don't have "2" teams (how is that possible?). We're Vikings today, tomorrow, forever. You're awesome thanks so much man.

If you're from Minnesota you understand!


Oct 5, 2009

Hilarious. Absolutely Hilarious

A couple of you have asked about the decrease in political and business blogs. I'll try and get back to that...soon, in the meantiem let the hilarity ensue.

Oct 4, 2009

Tim the Bear

By far the best part of the new The Cleveland Show. The lone reason I'll watch tonight. His Palinian ramblings are hilarious and HuffPo's voice overs aren't bad either.

Oct 2, 2009

Lost: If Found Call 800-MINNESOTA

Can anyone tell me why our esteemed mulletioed Governor is out running for President some 24 months in advance and not back attending to the state of great lake affairs? Seriously. He's still the governor right?

Oct 1, 2009

Slice You Gotta Step It Up Baby

Slice you got looped by dude twice. Come on baby. You're game is on your feet with your hands. YOU HAVE TO FIGURE OUT A WAY TO IMPOSE YOUR WILL. Plus to be straight up and down your fist should be tighter than they are. You're doing to much training on all the other stuff and not enough training on your boxing. I counted less than 30 non jabs thrown in the first round. Fight. Do you. My feeling is that you could have won this fight if you fought. Do you man. Most heavyweights are fat and out of shape. You look good, like you've been up running at 5AM. Stop trying to be a well rounded fighter and just fight. My ethos has always led me to lose my way, not someone elses.