Apr 26, 2010

"...5 losses, extremely desperate, former steroid user,..."

With Floyd there's no such thing as a backhanded compliment.

Fast forward to 3:45

Apr 13, 2010

Awesomesauce Takedown

Coatesey over at the Atlantic offers one of the better take down to this southern gubernatorial meme taking hold that the Civil War was not in fact about slavery.

I suggest reading the whole thing here.

Apr 10, 2010


It's always inappropriate for adults to ignore things like this. There is no such thing as kids being kids. Intervene, get the facts and the context and then determine whether it's minor or not. In the case of Phoebe Prince it was the latter. Way to douche it up South Hadley teens, parents and school personnel!

Apr 6, 2010

I Guess McDonnell

More ploys to pander to a constituency who has no idea what it wants but knows it doesn't want a left handed President.

Story Here

Apr 4, 2010


President Obama is no doubt a hooper. Anyone using words like skunked (meaning you got beat and didn't score a point) or whap (which is supposed to describe the sound of an all net shot) knows there basketball. I wonder how he'll react to having to host the Dookies in the White House in the spring. Hopefully Gordie Hayward can put together a 50 point salvo and prevent such a visit, but he's tentative and a I'm not holding my breath. Watch Mr. President and Clark Kellogg from CBS shoot a little POTUS.

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