Jul 7, 2009

Letter to the Prez

Dear Mr. President-

Back in January I blogged ad nauseam about the stimulus and how it needed to be spent as quickly as possible (on needless projects even) to ensure people stayed employed and spending didn't drop off a cliff. Instead of listening to me you played weaksauce with the Rs in some ersatz notion to garner bi-partisan support from a group of pols who are sworn to oppose you and see your demise. As a result we've got 10% unemployment about 5 months ahead of schedule and countries like France are kicking our tails when it comes to real stimulus WPA STYLE!!! Whats more your failure to listen to me has forced you to run a second stimulus up the flagpole through your advisor (backdoor style eh?). Not very leaderly dude, get it together. Seriously, you should have listened to me and asked for 1.5T of spending, the goal wasn't to play nice, it was to keep people employed. Now the mud hole is even larger and the public, in their ignorance, is all hyped on anti-deficit juice and will never swallow another stimulus.

I must admit I respect your Presidential bona fides, but this was a Bushian sized blunder. Please don't let this happen again.

Ryan Culver