Sep 24, 2009


Not the guy, the network. Although it's eponymous.

I recently upgraded cable packages to include Bloomberg televisions. Most serious investors and traders watch Bloomie I was told. The research, analysis and commentary is ALL business focused no bloviating or grandstanding or 6's pretending to be 10's you get with other networks or so I was told.

Well it's true. Bloomie is head and shoulders above the other business and investment networks. For a serious market man it really isn't even close. I just finished watching a full hour debate on free trade it was orderly, informative and cordial. No talking heads cutting you off or cursing the name Obama under their breath. One side for, one side against. Cogent, articulate and rational analysis on both sides. How awesome! There morning shows are just as orderly. I learn more in 15 minutes about the overnights on Bloomie than I do watching ersatz market makers on the other channel.

Oh yeah, and as free trade goes, can anyone tell me how you could possibly be for free trade and against labor unions?