I'm a HUGE supporter of the US Military. They have protected our lifestyle, collective interests and most importantly us for some 200+ years. Here's to 200+ more! With that said I must profess my disappointment with General McChrystal and his comments revealed in the latest Rolling Stone. I'm not disappointed that he had an opinion (I prefer leaders that way). My disappointment comes with the obvious attempt at getting attention. No man of his stripes, intellect and skill would be so brazen as to make comments like that around a reporter without the hopes that they would have the exact effect that they did. He obviously felt like Washington was not listening and instead of follow the chain of command he went outside of it to get his point across. Weaksauce for a soldier. My respect for the military comes with the chain of command and the discipline that soldiers have to follow orders to the 'T' even if they wholeheartedly disagree. You're a General and you have a boss...Barack Obama. You're welcomed to disagree and even be opinionated on your disagreement but complaining to the outside in an instance as important as this is unacceptable. I totally agree with the decision the President made on this. If McChrystal pops up as a talking head in the next 18-24 months I'll know the true impetus behind this move.
p.s. The title of this post has nothing to do with the article. I was listening to the jayhawks and thought the line sounded cool! Seriously...don't look so sad.