Oct 6, 2008

SCORE - Me:1 Computer:Infinity

Finally! I get a huge and much needed win against the computer in Chess Titans (my computer program) as evidenced by the screen shot pictured. This is HUGE; I’ve lost to the computer continuously for the last 11 months at the highest level. The game literally took 4 hours and I think this makes my record 1-1,256 but I so what, I got the W and I’m pumped.

I actually think more people should take up chess; Picture yourself in the one of the more stressful and tenuous positions you’ve been in over the last 24 months. Now imagine a rational, collected, forward looking person making the decision as opposed to what you were at the time (maybe erratic, frazzled, sky is falling)…get my point? Obviously, the game of chess is just that a game and is not analogous to every high stress situation we have in real life, but it builds patience, critical thinking, strategy and sacrifice which are MUST HAVE characterstics in high stress situations which often alter the course of our lives, however slight.

Maybe if we force our politicians to play more chess these attributes would begin to permeate their decision making process…or we could just elect the ones we these characteristics to start with…just a thought.
