Mar 8, 2009

Raise your hand if you went to public school

Congratulations, if your hand is raised you're a socialist! How does it feel knowing that someone else's taxes paid for you and your siblings to go to school? Huh...what's that...your parents paid taxes? Well sure, but there's a 100% chance that your parents taxes (that also went to pay for other services such as airports, police, roads, etc) didn't cover the cost of your K-12 education, so at the least you were subsidized by someone else. Again congratulations socialist.

So if your opposing healthcare reform on the merits or are just a little unsure about the logistics (like I am) you're an informed citizen and I congratulate you. But if your simply following someone else's talking points, namely calling it socialistic, then make sure you're not a de facto socialist...err....public school alum or attendee.