Aug 15, 2009

Canards are dangerous when left unchecked

Most of us are familiar with the canards circulating in the media and in the blogosphere concerning healthcare, they are as such:

1. Death Panels - That is when you're an old person you will be subject to a panel of faceless bureaucrats making decisions about whether you can live...this is also known as end of life care (according to one Sarah Palin).

2. Anger and Outrage - Megan McCardle, among many other fake libertarians, has been guilty of pretending that the angry people on the teevee machine are representative of all of America. They're not.

3. Healthcare Status Quo is Good - According to the 400 Managing Directors of GS.

In a homophonous ode to The Wire, take a look at the little man Kenard as he becomes a mop for a sidewalk floor on the westside of Baltimore.