Aug 30, 2009

I might be changing my name

The following points are kinda what I've known since I've come into adulthood as a progressive. It took seeing Bill Moyer's this morning online to confirm what I've known intuitively for sometime.

1. Progessives win presidencies by default. Meaning the populous wants republicans out not necessarily democrats in.

2. Progressives are scared to use power and most likely just plain scared. See Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama (Bill and Hillary Clinton don't fit this mold. These two wield power with the best of the conservatives.) But Barack Obama does in fact fit this mold. If you didn't hear me the first time I think he's scared.

3. Conservatives know who they serve and do so proudly. If some crumbs fall off the table for those who don't subscribe to their agenda...then fine. Progressives mistakenly think they serve conservatives...oops!

See Moyers below