Nov 20, 2008

In The Bubble

When the congressman from California asked the Big 3 CEOs yesterday which of them had traveled to the proceedings in private jets, I thought for sure he had overplayed his hand. Surely, these 3 smart guys and (non?)titans of industry were well aware of the position and time they were in. Coming to congress, hat in hand, begging for $25B less than a month after congress had just doled out $700B on another massive bailout. Surely, they and their staffs realized how bad it looks for companies that are supposedly and arm's length away from bankruptcy to be spending $20k per instance on private jets. Surely Not! I forgot my first rule of debate and totally underestimated the congressman. He knew the answer to the question he asked, but asked anyway for effect. How well did it go over? Well Senator Harry Reid just mentioned the private jets as part of the reason the Big 3 were just rejected by the Dems of all people.

Poor leadership fellas, very poor leadership. This further makes my case that authority, appointment or election do not a leader make.