Nov 3, 2008

Top 11 Moments of Campaign 2008

1. Nicolas Sarkozy calling Sarah Palin: This was hilarious. Palin’s hubris shown bright. She actually tries to set it up so that the PRESIDENT of FRANCE is waiting on her (a VP NOMINEE) when she picks up the phone…you gotta be kidding.

2. Joe the Plumber sounding off: Somehow this guy turned into a wonk on all things foreign policy. I always thought you had to study these things thoroughly, have a background and the necessary skill set to be an analyst…silly rabbit.

3. Debate Two - Mr. Puddles and That One: Stewie and Leno had some fun with this one.

4. DNC Acceptance Speech: Obama inspired once again

5. Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan live mike: Two conservative analyst give us their real feelings on Sarah Palin.

6. McCain gets the RNC nod: Should have happened in 2000, but I think conservatives wanted someone they could control. McCain is a serious pol and a statesmen. I would love nothing more than see him play a major role in reshaping our country…seriously.

7. Obama mistakenly channels Marxy: I know what he meant to say, but he is a pro, he should have said what he meant, which was its okay to help people who are not always in a position to help themselves.

8. Farewell Mr. Bush: Realizing that whoever wins, we get rid of an incompetent and the worst experiment in the history of American politics EVER. Period.

9. Record Turnout: It’s hard for me to understand how anyone could think that MORE Americans voting is a bad thing.

10. The Florida Reporter: Like Joe the Plumber, I guess this reporter saw this as her “big shot.” Unfortunately Biden is too skilled and smart to be sandbagged by a bush league reporter.

11. SNL: Too bad this election can’t go on for another year. Armissen, Fey, Pohler, Hannah, and Ferrell were comic gold.