Nov 29, 2008

Three Days of Terror

Read an early in-depth account of the Mumbai attacks here. Very chilling. Not to analogize b/c the analogy falls apart pretty quick, but a visually graphic, first person account of gun violence that comes to mind is the opening of the movie Runaway Jury.

On another note, I just saw the Pakistani Ambassador to the U.S. on Late Edition imploring the globe to ratchet down the India/Pakistan talk. I agree. It's still way too soon for uninformed citizens and pseudo newsie analyst to be providing bush league courses of action.

And while I agree that India has the right to act as it deems fit, the last thing the globe needs is a war with India and Pakistan, especially considering the fragile state of nuclear Pakistan. Unfortunately any goodwill and leadership cred the US could have bartered to necessitate this has been squandered by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Because we all know over the last 8 years it has really been those two, not President Bush, who have severely trashed our status as world leader. Thanks for that guys.