Jan 23, 2009


I and the public know what all schoolchildren learn.
Those to whom evil is done do evil in return.

dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd-W. H. Auden

I wondered at the time of the alleged atrocities what those innocent (yes there were innocent detainees) persons at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo felt. Being plucked off the streets of their hometown and imprisoned as a result of wrong place wrong time or mistaken identity or specious intel. And given no recourse.

I'm not a leftie. I understand the necessity of war. I understand what war means. I understand that the bright side of safety has a dark side. A darkside most Americans don't want to think about. A dark side that includes dead children, rape, looting, torture and collateral damage. A darkside that didn't begin with Abu Ghraib. A darkside that won't end with Barack Obama.

This darkside is old. It takes root before ancient Pelopenessus spans middle age Jerusalem and runs through modern day Germany. This darkside is as old as man.

I wonder if this darkside will manifest itself anew in former civilians. Civilians that had good intentions and families and pride. Civilians that had dreams and plans and hope. Civilians that had an unfortunate run in with the darkside.