Jan 3, 2009

Israel v Gaza

I heard it said that if Hamas puts down their weapons Israel would lift the blockade, but if Israel puts down its weapons Hamas would kill as many Jews as possible.

I'm loathe to look at this ongoing conflict with the traditional one-sidedness that produces those kind of aphorisms, but it's hard to argue against a country fighting an organization whose sole mission is organized around that country not having the right to exist.

To be sure Israeli politicians are not innocent in the Arab-Jew conflict writ large and a counter argument could probably be made for the actions of Hamas being retaliatory, however long in the making. How so? In 20 years would it be wrong for an Iraqi leader (then a young boy) who saw his parents, sisters and 10,000 of his countrymen killed at the hands of the West, to want revenge. Would he be wrong to wage war, traditional or non?

I don't know the answer. I do know there is a young Iraqi boy who misses his mom and dad.