Jan 6, 2009

It is that simple, seriously

Bernie Madoff: Rich Manhattanite who stole $50B -> Out on Bail
Tyrone Bigsby*: Intractable Bronx kid who stole an iPod -> At Rikers

Part of the reason "right" collar crime will be with us always is because guys like Ken Lay, Dennis Kozlowski, and Bernie Madoff sit in their plush penthouses and mansions for years on bail and then proceed to Club Med to serve their prison sentence.

As a deterrent, after Madoff's conviction they should make a HUGE deal about throwing him in Sing-Sing, one of NY's most notorious and violent prisons. Then they should loop the show Lockup - on CNBC - for a full week. The elitist, grimey, conniving businessmen who engage in this type of activity would certainly get the picture.

*aka Dave Chappelle